About FilmCapacitor

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So far FilmCapacitor has created 63 blog entries.

Xuansn Electronics Event-Spring outing

Xuansn Electronics Event-Spring outing:This orientation activity allowed new employees to have a deeper understanding of the history and culture of the companyAt the beginning of the new year, Vientiane [...]

2024-01-18T08:35:57+00:00February 24th, 2023|Company News|

Safety capacitors overview and classification

1.Introduction-Safety Capacitors 🌞Safety capacitors refer to safety capacitors that will not cause electric shock and will not endanger personal safety after the capacitor fails. Safety capacitors are usually only used [...]

2023-02-20T03:57:27+00:00February 18th, 2023|Knowledge|

Xuansn capacitor-Mental Health Lecture

💐In order to improve the mental health level of employees, relieve workplace pressure, popularize mental health knowledge, enhance employees' self-psychological adjustment capabilities, and enable employees to devote themselves to [...]

2024-01-18T08:36:36+00:00December 7th, 2022|Company News|