About FilmCapacitor

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So far FilmCapacitor has created 63 blog entries.

Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor Test

Aluminum electrolytic capacitor test is very important to ensure the quality of the produced aluminum electrolytic capacitors. The tests of aluminum electrolytic capacitors mainly include load life test, insulation [...]

2023-11-21T08:31:30+00:00April 27th, 2023|Knowledge|

Supercapacitors Aqueous Electrolyte

Supercapacitors Aqueous Electrolyte Supercapacitors aqueous electrolyte have high conductivity and low impedance. Due to the small molecular diameter of the electrolyte, it is easy to fully immerse into the micropores [...]

2023-04-14T10:08:59+00:00April 14th, 2023|Knowledge|